Getting Published: American Miniaturist Magazine Featured Article

Gosh, what an honor to have a featured article about my hand painted dollhouses published in the American Miniaturist Magazine! This article was in the Jan 2009 issue. I've included the article here, just click to enlarge to be able to read it better.

When I first started building dollhouses back in the '80's, I painted them the regular way. Just plain solid colors. But in the early '90's I learned (tole) decorative painting techniques and pretty much painted everything in sight. One day, the object in sight was one of my dollhouses. I thought, "Why not?" lol. So I've been artistically hand painting my dollhouses for several years now. I don't know if I could paint one "plain" again. I love cottages of any kind, and the more "quaint" the better. So far, I have built the dollhouses and then done all the decorative exterior painting. The Folk Art Cottage was the exception, because I wanted to do artistic painting on the interior walls. So those were painted before assembling the dollhouse. After I finish the Shabby Chic Dollhouse, I would like to paint wall murals inside the next house I build. I've got to decide on a theme, though. Any suggestions?
